What is the best material to practice your suturing skills on?
Although silicon skin is helpful and convenient for the practice of suturing, it doesn’t always behave like real skin. It looks authentic, but the feel, touch and handling characteristics are imprecise if you’re looking for a genuine experience. That’s why buying high quality silicon skin is crucial if your objective is perfecting your suturing technique.
When you are preparing to start suturing on real patients in a clinical setting you want to experience some form of realism. Our philosophy and recommendation to teachers and students are simple. First master the various basic suturing patterns on a suture pad or other type of synthetic skin.
Once you have mastered your technique, go to a butcher shop or the butchery department of your grocery store and buy a suitable piece of meat with the skin attached. (Ask your butcher for advice. Pork shank, chicken or turkey with skin will serve the purpose well.) Practicing on a cut of meat is the closest approximation of human skin and muscle that you can get in a medical education setting.
Believe me – real meat from the butcher will offer you the highest level of realism possible short of suturing on real people in a clinical setting.
That said, you don’t initially need super realism to practice your suturing skills. A suture pad is more than adequate for your first practice runs. After that, strive for the most realistic option; meat from your butcher.
Master surgical suturing skills
You will find a very specific, easy and effective system of learning suturing skills in The Apprentice Doctor’s Suturing Kit and Course. Using the suturing course, you’ll master basic surgical knot tying after which you are ready to start practicing the 11 basic suturing techniques.
For those students who own some suturing tools but lack silicon skin, and find replacing cuts of meat too pricey, you may find The Apprentice Doctor’s Suture Pad/Suturing Model for Practicing Suturing an ideal compromise. Its realistic, durable design with veins, skin, fat and muscle layers is perfect for medical students, veterinarians, nurses, and emergency personal to practice and perfect suturing and laceration repair.
Both kits will allow you to become confident performing suturing procedures. You’ll feel calmer and more in control when suturing in high stress environments.