Hi there Apprentice Doctor!
As a Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeon, I do perform quite a number of jaw reconstructions. We use Titanium dental implants.
About 30 years ago if a patient lost all their teeth, they only had one option, and that was to wear full dentures (false teeth) for the rest of their lives.
Unfortunately, the jaw bone is not static, and over a period of time the bone resorbs (almost “melts” away!) making it all the more difficult to wear false teeth and of course having great difficulty to eat and chew properly.
Thanks to a Swedish researched Professor, Per-Ingvar Branemark, all that changed when he discovered that Titanium has the ability to allow bone to intimately attach to it, pioneering the whole field of dental implantology.
Today we place single dental implants following the loss of a tooth, often immediately after removing the tooth!
A big challenge has been the placement of immediate implants in the molar areas – but thanks to the efforts of an innovative Implant Company – Southern Implants, this has changed.
Today I have a special video clip ready for you – giving you a glimpse into my world (with the kind permission of Southern Implants).
Committed to your success, and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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Dr. Anton
Dr. Anton Scheepers, BChD, MDent, FFD(SA), MFOS, President of The Apprentice Corporation |