Apprentice Doctor® Medical Training Center Agencies

Available in selected areas. Only medical professionals may apply.

  • Would you like to be part of a group of medical professionals – laying a solid career foundation for the next-generation medical and healthcare professionals?
  • Are you passionate about teaching sound medical principles?
  • Are you keen on acting as a role model and mentor?
  • Do you agree that medical training could and should be fun?
  • Do you believe that one can not start too early with preparing for such a phenomenal career?
  • Would you like to have a unique business opportunity?

If “yes!” – this is a unique teaching business opportunity for you.

  1. Make an appointment for a virtual meeting with Dr. Anton Scheepers – the CEO of the Apprentice Corporation (since 2007).
  2. Register for the next training event where you will receive step-by-step instructions on starting and owning a Regional Apprentice Doctor® Medical and Surgical Skills Training Center Agency (only selected areas and a limited number of opportunities available). Enjoy five days packed with information, activities (training include practically doing many of the medical/surgical skills workshops). You will also have enough time to associate with like-minded people!

Do not miss this unique business opportunity for anything!

The Apprentice Doctor®, in association with the Future Doctors Academy has developed the ultimate, certified medical and surgical skills programs. 






Attendees at a previous Apprentice Doctor® event having a great time!

A typical Regional Apprentice Doctor® Program:

Typical activities:

Targeted at:

  • Monthly intensive medical weekend programs (3 days)
  • Several summer break programs (4-5 days)
  • A regional virtual/in-person Apprentice Doctor® Chapter
  • Monthly chapter meetings
  • High School Grade 10-12 Aspiring Medical Professionals 
  • Premed: Years 1-4 students
  • Pre-PA/Pre-Nursing students
  • Healthcare students

Regional Apprentice Doctor® Training Center Agencies
Apprentice Doctor® Regional Directors (Owners) will be able to host monthly and Summer/Autumn/Spring break programs.

  • The various lectures and workshops are well-structured, with Student Handouts, Instructional Manuals, Cheat sheets, PowerPoint presentations and practical Apprentice Doctor Kits/manikins available for all workshops.
  • Students who complete the Apprentice Academy’s Academy’s various courses will receive the relevant course certificate.
  • Agency owners will be able to sell all the unique Apprentice Doctor® products.

Have a look at the following videos:


Basic Surgical Skills Course

Aseptic Technique Course

Future Doctors Kit

Stop the Bleed Workshop

Phlebotomy Kit

Attend an Apprentice Doctor®  Medical and Surgical Skills Training Center Agency Owner Training Event 

Program Topic: Start an Apprentice Doctor® Regional Agency.

Venue: To be announced – details to follow.

Type of Program: Five days of informational/instructional/simulation training.

Program Goal:

1) How to start/open an Apprentice Doctor® Regional Center Agency.

2) Instructors training for Apprentice Doctor® programs

Dates: To be announced

Booking status: Open for enquiries 

Eligibility: Any medical professional passionate about teaching.

Registrations close: Four weeks before the start of the program.

*Program fee:  $1495 

*Early bird fee: $1295

The program includes:

  • Training (many sessions will be hands-on Workshops)
  • Lunch
  • Tea/coffee

*Accommodation not included.


Register now to attend this unique training conference – only qualified medical professionals may apply.

NO commitments required – Dr. Anton Scheepers – the president of the Apprentice Doctor®, would like to meet you and discuss this fantastic opportunity with you via a virtual meeting (to be arranged after registration).

allied health

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The Future Doctors Academy Team